Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cell Phones as Learning Tools (pt 1)

I've started reading "Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education" by Liz Kolb. I agree a lot with the following quote. It'd be interesting to know what your thoughts are.

"Instead of spending time, energy, and money creating policies to fight cell phone use in schools, we are better served by directing our resources toward finding useful ways to integrate these devices as knowledge construction, data collection, and collaborative communication tools, and toward teaching digital etiquette" (pp. 8-9).

What do you think? Can cell phones be effectively integrated into the language classroom? What policies do you have regarding cell phones? What ideas do you have for using them as "knowledge construction, data collection, and collaborative communication tools"? And how can we help our students to adopt proper digital etiquette?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pearson Kihara Conference 2011

Welcome to all those who attended my presentation for the Pearson Kihara 2011 Conference at Tōyō Gakuen University's Hongō Campus yesterday (Using Phones and Computers to Encourage Lifelong Learning). I will be sharing links and notes from my presentation here. My other blog with Jerry is more specific for iOS devices (iPhones, iPads, iPod touch). You can find that blog at http://iostesol.blogspot.com.  On this blog, you will find posts by my colleague, Clair, and I. Please leave comments and questions.